Fill the admission form and send the form to the council’s office the through E-mail address or by post or fax. With the requisite fees in favour Alternative medical council Orissa.
After admission the council will provide the study materials for the proscribed course.,question papers are posted to the students’s address. Completed answer scripts should be sent to the Institute within prescribed time.Mark sheets, certificate is awarded to the success full student by council.
Course fees should be sent by cash /MO /DD pay able to “The Director” ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL COUNCIL ORISSA, College square, Jagatsinghpur ,Orissa..754103. The bank draft should be in favour of “The Director” ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL COUNCIL ORISSA, payable at Jagatsingh pur branch or fees should be payable in the following mode.
Name of the Bank :- UCO BANK
Jagatsinghpur Branch .(Orissa)
Jagatsinghpur,Orissa .754103 India.
Account no of beneficing :- 1015559,
Name of the Bank :- UCO Bank.
Address :- Jagatsinghpur Branch ,
Jagatsinghpur Orissa.754103,India
(Rules & Regulation for the student)
Application should be addressed to the principal under registered by post or personally with testimonials
Candidate coming from Institution or college either affiliated to the council or any authentic college or institute of alternative system of medicine will be admitted to be the course or the similar course of the college or institute affiliated to the council from which he/she comes.
Any disputed case shall be settled at Jagatsinghpur,Orissa.
All fees for the session other than the tuition and Examination fees must be paid at the time of admission.
No refund of sums paid of the college and no cancellation of admission will be considered, application is made after the Expiry of admission.
Any type of fees other than caution money, once paid will not be refunded or adjusted; the caution money should be refunded only at the termination of course in this college after educating the incidental charges.
The principal will be sole admitted authority and his decision will be final in the matter of selection for admission. Selection amongst the candidates will be by oral or written test on Payment of fees to be notified by the principal, the admission of any candidate may be refused if requisite particulars are found to be unsatisfactory.
All grievances or complaints and communication regarding the institutions should be sent to the principal or to the secretary of the college as an appeal to put to the president of the managing committee.
Students shall have to make good the damage or loss of the college library without delay otherwise they would be fined in addition to it without delay or other disciplinary action may be taken against them.
Punishments shall consist of extra duty fine and suspension of leaves scholarship, free studentship and promotion etc and lastly expulsion from the college for the remainder period of the session by a written order.
Students will have to clear all the fees and arrear dues to college, they must return their books issued by library at least one week before the annual or the test examination, otherwise they will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
The institution authority has right to accept or refuse the admission of any candidate.
The use of uniform to the students is must during the class hours.
There is a charitable treatment centre at the college campus.
The students of college must take part in games &sports annually.
Political activities are strictly prohibited within the college campus.
The students have to abide by the rules & regulations of the college.
Punishment will be awarded by the principal of the college as per the nature of offence.
The student has to pay tuition fees within 10th day of every month. Defaulters will be charged with fine.
Fee once paid under no circumstances it will be refunded.
Practical charge will be given extra to get Practical facility.
Test examination of all classes is compulsory and the examination will be held before two months of commencement of any final Examination.
The principal will be sole admitting authority.
The question papers for examinations of all subjects shall be in English answer scripts will be written either in English or mother language.
Each question of theory and practical examinations of a subject will be regared as one subject.
Examination will be held annually at the end of the session.
As qualifing marks ,student must obtain 40% marks .The standard for passing in the aggregate shall be 40% of total marks of the above mentioned courses.
The duration of each examination theory,oral and practical etc shall be of three hours.
The supplementary examination will be held after two months from the date of the publication of results of annual examination.
The candidate who will appear at the annual examination will be eligible for apperaing the supplimentary examination may be admitted in the next higher class .He/She shall however has to pass supplimentary examination before appearing at the final examination.
If any student desire to review of any of his answer book ,he may apply to the Director of the faculty through the principal of the college paying Rs100/-per book ,requesting him for review of his /her answer book.
Any addition & alteration may be done by nthe authority time to time.
The candidates securing 50% marks will be placed in second division .Candidates sequring 60% marks will be placed in first division..Candidates securing 80% marks will be awarded silver medal and candidate securing 90% marks will be awaeded gold medal.
The Examination of correspodence course will be started from January,April,July and October of every year.
Candidate should fill up the prescribeed final examination form before one month of the examination.
The council shall conduct the final examination at the residential address of the candidate .The Council shall provide student registration no, admit card, attendance sheets, answer sheets, question papers etc and sent back the duly completed answer scripts to the Council within the prescribed time other wise his examination will be treated as cancelled.
Study-materials on all the prescribed subjects shall be sent by the council through post.
Recommended books as mentioed in the prospectus should be followed.
The council conducts the private examinations under affiliated colleges at various centres in the months of January ,april,July and October of every year in all courses on the basis of requisite academic qualification and at least 5 years experience in the perticular alternative medical line.
The private candidates may apply for admission in any time of the year.
The candidate will duly fill up the examination form before 45 days of the final examinations.Syllabus for the respective courses of examinations will be supplied by the council to the candidates..
Recommended books as mentioned in the prospectus should be folowed .
The council shall provide student registration no,admit card,attendance sheets, answer sheetsand question papers etd and the duly comlpeted answer-script should be produced at the examination centre.